Friday, July 23, 2004


i smoked up last night. it didn't take much but man i forgot how squinty my eyes can get. i was little miss giggles all night. hello bodily incapacitation and welcome back paranoid city! i was friggin flying!

i was late for work today, well later than usual. i can already hear the cars tuning and practicing for the race. the anticipation is mounting and i find meself gettin really excited 'bout how hot the race is gonna be. well i'm assuming that i'm only gonna be seein qualifying races today and not the big indy race itself. default is gonna rule and since we're already gonna be at the plaza of nations we'll be stopin by plush for a coupla drinks after. i'm on the list. i've never been on a list before - well not to my knowledge anyway - so i hope it's a pretty good friggin list.


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