Tuesday, November 30, 2004


anyone else feel like this at work? i couldn't have said it better meself! who the fuck gets home from work at this hour?

i'm feelin a little insane. a 12 step program once taught me that insanity is doin the same things over and over again but expecting different outcomes each time. yup. a little crazy-me.

i can't sleep. i don't know why i can't sleep all week then i go and sleep away my whole weekend. not likin it. i woke up round 4 this morning, couldn't get back to sleep so i baked. i made fresh banana nut muffins for the whole office. warm and yummy, first thing in the morning, i'm suddenly everybody's best friend. adrian's plottin to overstock me with caffeine so tasty treats keep showin up in the office right outta the oven.

there's a new receptionist at work (don't worry jaded - this wasn't the position i had u pegged for anyway. i swear it's like pullin fuckin teeth tryin to get some normal people into the office!) i wonder how long until i'll wanna rip out her innards and smack her upside the head with 'em. k - to be fair, this one might be ok. let's see how i feel 'bout her at the end of the week.

i think phil called. good thing i forgot my phone at home today, or else i mighta run off for a noon time romp (think of me what u will, billy, but i gotta get laid too!) or worse, some after strenuous work snuggles. ehgad! really tho - this is good for me. i'm on a strict no comlplications, no negative relationships diet and don't i look fuckin fabulous having dropped all that baggage!

ya think i'll be able to sleep? or am i gonna hafta spend the night dustin between all the books on my shelf? or perhaps i'll show up at work tomorrow with a casserole. no, wait. scratch that. my brother's bringin me dinner tomorrow night. butter chicken pizza. yum?


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