Friday, January 21, 2005


lunch hour was waterlogged yesteday. it was raining - just shy of pouring. i was meeting janet for sushi. yum. i just left the office when i realized i'd forgotten where we were meeting so i went back inside to check my janetmail. k - sushi @ georgia & dunsmuir. i repeated the info out loud and proceeded to leave. georgia & dunsmuir. i had to keep reminding myself cuz i've been such a spacey chowder head lately. k - georgia & dunsmuir...hey! wait a minute! georgia & dunsmuir don't intersect. i must be on crack. i was at the end of the block when i realized this and had to turn around again. janetmail reads: georgia & dunsmuir. whew...janet's the one on crack.

walkin in the rain was comforting - or i was in a really good mood. perhaps the rain added to my good mood? i dunno i just sorta woke up chipper yesterday. i enjoy walkin in the rain - it's familiar and feels kinda sexy.

lunch with janet is always fun and the hour is never enough. first topic of conversation - the weather, of course. janet brings out the crazy in people so i felt comfy tellin her about my strange take on all this extreme weather we've been having. is it just me or does any one else feelin a little judgement dayish? the blistering summers, the drastic temperature swings, the natural disasters? anyone? now, i'm not religious, not even sure i believe there's gonna be a judgement day but weren't these the purported signs? this all ties in with my fear of thunder too - it sounds like the end of the world. doomy stuff.

moving on. movies. i watched Confessions of a Dangerous Mind a coupla nights ago. based on chuck barris' autobiography - the life of a gameshow host doubling as a cia operative. anyone else seen? the absurdity of the story has me asking for everyone's take. good flick. it's got me on a total kaufman kick. The collection thus far: Adaptation , Being John Malkovich , Confessions and Eternal Sunshine i've done a bit of diggin through the cyber dirt and it seems that people are pretty dubious 'bout barris' story. it's pretty far fetched, yes? but what gets me is that he had the balls to write a book about it and publish it as - not a work of fiction but - an autobio! if he was full of shit wouldn't someone have called him on it by now? this interview makes me think it's all doo doo! but that won't stop me from lovin the movie. fasinating if it were true, eh?

lastly, we talked d&d. well - i talked 'bout my new d&d character and she made faces and hissing noises. k - not really but she has in the past. i just started playing a half-elven rogue who s'possed to be oozing with charasima. here's the thing - what if i'm 'bout as charasmatic as door stop? should u play as something u'r not for the fun of it (it is about the fantasy afterall) or do u stick to somethin u know to do the character justice? afterall, it's not just ur fantasy at stake, ur takin up a small part of everyone else's fantasy as well. r u wasting thier time if u can't make them believe in ur character? to be fair - i'm not charasmatically impotent but i am awkward and nothing shines or makes perky *ting* noises when i smile. so - can ur character be as witty and charming as u wish u were even if u r not? my rogue's dialouge and thought process r all generated in my head so if i don't have a stitch of charm in me, how would she? i named her faydah (kinda like the cheese).

anyway when i got back to work i had this email in my in box:

With Mr. [big boss man's] approval, I am writing this email. My family and I are currently collecting items for a "Care Package" which we will be sending to the children of the devastating tsunami. We will be shipping our "Care Package" specifically to the Bande Ache, Indonesia region. If you would like to donate, we are seeking small items such as coloring books, crayons, balloons, candies and very small stuffed animals or anything small that you would like to donate.

Please, no cash or checks.

Cards, letters and pictures would be appreciated as well (possibly created by your children).
We have not set any specific date to ship these items out, but have the end of February in mind. If you are interested, please send your items to me here in the Burbank office. My family and I will make sure every item donated is shipped out to the children.

i'm perturbed by this. i appreciate the need to cheer these people up but if half my family is missing and my home was devestated, i wouldn't be thinking 'gosh, it sure would be nice if i had some crayons and a balloon.' is this harsh of me? i'm really bothered by this request. no cash, no chqs, basically - nothin of use. this makes me think buddy has a gambling problem and needs supplies for his kids. not really - but i'm rather amused by the thought.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

i'm as perturbed by that request for a Care Package as you are. can't they just donate to the Red Cross or Doctors Without Borders or something USEFUL like that??? Oyyyyyyyyy.

I looooooove Charlie Kaufman movies!

So, how did you find Janet if the two streets don't intersect? Did u just keep walking until u ran into her?

I too somewhat believe in Armageddon in a non-religious type way. But that's just the paranoid freak in me. Imagine if I really was religious, oy! I'd be on the corner of Granville and Georgia warning of the approaching doom!


3:24 p.m.  
Blogger tunabelly said...

i guessed at what janet meant to say and was right - happily.

kaufman rocks my world! so what did u make of barris' claims?

and yes, my company is full of pricks chalked full of useless ideas and pattin 'emselves on the back for being so bloody clever.

and there was already someone on granville and georgia pushin books on spiritually (i went d & d paraphernalia shoppin after lunch). i got suckered outta 10 bucks cuz i don't know how to back away tactfully or run fast enough. i'm afraid u'll hafta find another corner.

3:37 p.m.  
Blogger psychicle said...

Yes, it must be the crack that brings out the crazy. :)

I also love Kaufman! But I haven't seen or heard of that one, as you know.

And, here's a word of advice for next time someone corners you into talking about something you don't want to talk about. Say: "I'm leaving now." and then you walk away.

1:46 p.m.  

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