Monday, August 09, 2004


as i was getting up this morning i caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror and thought, hmm, i look good. WTF! i had to do a double take just to be sure i was lookin at myself. this is a first. it seems to be the summer of amazing firsts for me. what better way to start the day? sleeping for 18hours after an incredibly intense weekend, i guess.

it's starts way back last thursday. i called in sick. last monday was a stat so i only worked 2 days that week. i knew much insanity was to ensue. a five day weekend, 3 crazy chicks, a bottle of absinth and a bottle of alize. we were set and it turned out to be even more insane than i coulda ever imagined! and much too racy for any public blog of mine.

so at the end of all this, the only proof of the weekend i have is a rather messy apartment, a few empty bottles of liquor, a pissed off neighbor and softer skin after my much needed visit to the spa. oh, and yes, the absinth was cleaned out, done, fin.

back to work and back to my neglected blog. i feel like i'm in a alternate reality, the weekend a strange dimension i dreamt myself into. it's so quiet here and everyone so sober and dressed. it grounds me and i know that i am sane.


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