Wednesday, September 08, 2004


there isn't much to say, it's gloomy outside but i've managed to keep it at bay inside. there's a new recept at work...hopefully i won't have to kill her.

i met a guy over the long weekend, oober sweet and i'm excited. it's not gonna be a big grope fest with him, just takin it easy and tryin to get to know each other. i'm all a flutter. it's been a long while since the gettin to know each other bit didn't annoy me.

there seems to be a new criterion for dating me. it seems that u either 1) have to have 2 full time jobs and/or 2) are married - or in a big mangled mess tryin to get out of it. i can't seem to break this pattern.

on another note, when i got to work this morning, i noticed the car parked beside mine had keys dangling on the door. they were still stuck in the key hole. no one was around. what do u do when u see somethin like this?!? i felt the need to do something but nothing helpful came to mind. i coulda taken them so that no one stole the car but the owner would still be keyless for the night.

any great suggestions? i'm a bit o' a lump today.


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