Saturday, June 11, 2005


sometimes life is so amazing if u just allow it to be.

today's been one heck of a ride! i just spent the last 5 hours on the phone with various friends in asia - so much is happening, everythin fallin into place and we finally seem to be the people we were meant to be.

i'm still a little lost but that's to be expected. i really went about things backwards. it's difficult to be just learning about dating as everyone else is settling down and starting their lives with the ones they love. on the up side tho - i can learn from all ur mistakes and hopefully save myself a little heartache.

i'm in one of those really romantic moods - like havin a little heartache is a good thing. i can't get Salsa Guy outta my head. i've been daydreaming about him since class. it's all a little fluffy and warm. i don't think i've ever crushed so hard on someone before. it's a whirlwind of random smiles and happy thoughts for no reason at all. i think it's the way he looks at me - but then again, he could just have sleepy eyes and always looks like that. i feel like i've spinning around with him all night and i can't quite shake his scent.

it feels strange to be settin this out in cyberspace. here's that bloggin etiquette issue again. who's here, who knows, who won't wanna hear what, who'd be hurt - who fuckin cares! i'm over it. i deserve to go thru this stuff too. the dips, the highs, infatuation, a touch of aching in my heart, and most of all, hope. u'd be hard pressed to find a person that didn't think i was long overdue.

it's all around me. i never have to look far or leap thru flamin hoops for it. it's amazing loved i feel right now - all day. u guys r all the best and if i were any more awake i could tell u how lucky i feel. but, i'm not awake and probably not all that coherent so let's just say i did.

i'm gonna find love or rather, it's gonna find me.

i've been feelin a lot like a child lately. the world has become so huge, the people so beautiful and the day to day not so difficult. if u just ride out the lumps most of it's just gravy.

i'm being tacky and cheesy now, rn't i? fuck it! it's almost 6 in the morning and i'm sprawled out on an emotional plateau feelin like i'v finally conquered my Everest.

grr...since i can't seem to stop speakin in cliches and adages - i'm just gonna say life is good. i'd do good to remember that more often so i'm gonna.


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