Wednesday, September 29, 2004


i just got home from work, i'm exhausted. i'm not sure what's wrong but i haven't been able to sleep lately all this overtime at work is killin me. i'm truely not used to really having to work at work. *sigh*

so my birthday was a blast. dinner at Memphis Blues and then to Tonic with our dancin shoes. i wanted to wait till the pictures were up but that could take a while. so at Tonic, i was feelin that since i've never really partied it up for my birthday, i should really make up for lost time this year. i had 26 birthdays to celebrate in one night.

the game: to find cute men to give me a birthday kiss.

the goal: 26 + one for good luck.

the results: 22 (but i still feel like a winner!) we tried to get pictures of all of 'em but only managed to get 20. i think we coulda made it, i think we just ran outta prey.
it was a crazy night!

sunday and monday were spent lounging and not workin. monday night i started my ballroom classes. my ex was there. shitty! he really shouldn't have been in the newcomer class but i think he was just there showin his new girlfriend what it was all about.

now, i don't know how i feel 'bout seein him - but since then i haven't been able to sleep. the last two nights i spent rollin 'round in bed till six in the morning and goin to work like the livin dead. not cool. then again, i could just still be reelin from the crazy adventures of the weekend. who knows.
seein him didn't bug me as much as i thought it would. i just don't like it.


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