Tuesday, November 16, 2004


i broke up with phil - if that term is even applicable in this instance. it was formally laying to rest something that never took enough form to be called anything. strange. i just felt there was a need to speak the words and offer the gesture. we were both tip toeing into a relationshipy corner. we were so stealthy, i wonder if either of us really knew what we were doin. but who does?

i suddenly feel a little lonely but i know it'll pass. there was a world of pain strewn about the path we were headed down and i really don't need any complications in my life right now. ixnay on the relationships for me, thank u very much.

my dad's lung specialist is a shit. he won't tell us anythin. we went back in to go over the results for some tests done at the hospital. i asked, quite directly, what the results indicated. he responds by passin me a prescription - take 3 times a day for 2 weeks. come back in 2 weeks. i repeat the question. he sez take the prescription, we'll see in 2 weeks. grrr...

on an up note, the last season of Buffy the Vampire Slayer came out on dvd today. i'm stoked. Joss Whedon is my hero. he's brilliant. i've been following his work for the last year or so and i just can't get enough it. i get so sucked into the fantasy that i'm a little disappointed with reality when i stop watching/reading. kinda sad how boring our world is.


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