Friday, October 22, 2004


it's been so long since i've woken up with someone, wrapped in softness and warmth. it's nice. i woke up and felt that i was exactly where i was supposed to be - i'd finally found that which i've been aching for. but was it really what i wanted? and now? avoiding him seemed to only make it fonder.

the nightmares r getting more disturbing but last night, i woke up to a soft voice, stroking the fright away and cooing 'bout how i'm not alone anymore. there were kisses and i was safe. i turned over and went back to sleep and the nightmares were kept at bay for the rest of the night.

how does fucking turn into spending the night, lying in bed, being 2 hours late for work and finding shelter in each other from the down pour outside?

it's so soft...soft...soft...


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